Broad Spectrum CBD

Welcome to our CBD Broadspectrum , Oil CBD What is Broadspectrum oil? CBD contains a less complete spectrum than Fullspectrum oils which contain all the natural molecules present in hemp plants from cannabis sativa L varieties as well as all the cannabinoids and a large number of natura...

Welcome to our CBD Broadspectrum, Oil CBD What is Broadspectrum oil? CBD contains a less complete spectrum than Fullspectrum oils which contain all the natural molecules present in hemp plants from cannabis sativa L varieties as well as all the cannabinoids and a large number of natural terpenes from the plant but remains rich in cannabinoids because it is rich in CBD but THC and other molecules are not associated.

What's the difference with CBD Broadspectrum oils? CBD Brodspectrum oils contain no trace of THC, even if the extraction pocess of the molecules are similar, for example with an isolate of CBD.

What level of CBD to choose for a CBD ?

in general, to feel the positive effects, it is recommended that you consume 20 to 30mg of oil CBD per day on average, and above 50mg for effective relaxation and pain relief.