Horticultural ventilation

Know how to handle temperature, humidity and CO2

In indoor growing, ventilation is a must for anyone who wants to grow successfully. Without an efficient ventilation system, your growing room is in danger of becoming a veritable oven. Needless to say, this will make your plants sound like an oven. It will also be important for you to establish a satisfactory level of humidity for your crop.

What is the role of moisture in a crop?

We will start with the most delicate part of the development of your ventilation system.

During its development, the plant will require different levels of humidity. For example, cuttings need on average 90% moisture next to 60% for germinating seeds. It is generally accepted that the ideal moisture level for a growing plant is between 65 and 75% moisture. Finally, the period of bloom will have to be accompanied by a drier air because you will have to lower the humidity up to 50% to prevent the development of mildew.

The humidity level is very complicated to control in a growing room as it requires a real balance between temperature and extraction power Indoor Discount offers you a number of accessories that allow you to control, increase and/or decrease the humidity in your growing area.

>>> Discover the humidifier Ultra Mist

>>> Air dehumidifier

However, you should be aware that the humidity level will essentially depend on the combination of your lighting and your extraction. For example, when your lights go out, it is recommended to let the extractor run for a few minutes to eliminate the excess humidity before it settles on your plants and therefore encourages the development of pathogens. It will also be necessary to start your extractor a little after switching on your lamp so that the humidity and CO² generated during the night is not removed too quickly.

What is the importance of an extractor and an intractor?

Good air circulation is essential for plants to benefit from the best environment. It is therefore important to renew the air in your grow room on a regular basis.

>>>> see extraction/intraction page

What is the role of CO2 in indoor growing?

In an indoor or outdoor garden, plants need CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) to activate their photosynthesis process which will allow them to feed on the light emitted by the sun or your light bulb. This is how the plant will gorge itself with organic compounds such as carbohydrates that can be diffused through the food chain. The CO2 is then transformed into O2 (Oxygen) by the plant before being released into the atmosphere.

At the same time, plants perform a phenomenon that most people don't know: they breathe. Indeed, plants, just like other living beings on this planet, consume oxygen. They absorb CO2 for photosynthesis but also release it when they breathe. Of course, the amount of oxygen released is much greater than the CO2 emitted.

Plants can tolerate the CO2 supply very well because it will be decisive for photosynthesis, but be careful not to exceed 1000 ppm (mass per million, 1 ppm = 1 mg/kg). The ideal temperature for CO2 absorption is above 25°C.

Here again, it is important to renew the air in your grow room.

>>> See CO2 generators

Odour management

Odour management is also an important aspect of indoor cultivation. Indeed, if you enjoy the smell of your mint crop, it may not be to the taste of your neighbour. Be aware that there are many tips to minimize the odours produced by your crop.

The ionizer

It is an electrical device generating highly reactive molecules that will mix with the one in your grow room. This will have the effect of suppressing odours.

>>> Discover the Watson AirButler 15m² Ionizer

The deodorizer

Classic but effective, liquid or gel deodorants can be used in addition or alone.

The charcoal filter

This is the most common method of treating odours. The carbon filter retains almost 95% of the biological molecules.

>>> More info on the carbon filter page

Which equipment should I choose for effective ventilation?

Now that we've gone over different aspects of ventilation Indoor Discount offers you a number of articles that will be useful in the manufacture of your ventilation system.

So you'll need to equip yourself:

>>> For climate control: 1 Thermo/Hygrometer

>>> To automate the ventilation cycle: 1 timer/minuteur

>>> To generate an air circulation in the grow room: 1 venilator

>>> To renew the air in the grow room: 1 extractor

>>> To reduce the heat emitted by your MH or HPS bulb: The SuperCool 200mm glass/ventilated reflector

>>> Finally, sheaths to connect all the elements Winflex offers you its Virgin Phonique range, the silent duct

Each growing area is different, so it is up to you to determine what you will need and adapt your lighting accordingly.