Honey with CBD

Discover the best choice of Honey CBD from hemp varieties of Cannabis Sativa L. A wide choice of organic honey. Find Hemp Honeys CBD broadspectrum hemp honeys in our department, then visit our online store Indoordiscount the specialist in hemp honeys CBD in France and Europe.

Discover the best choice of Honey CBD from hemp varieties of Cannabis Sativa L.

A wide choice oforganic honey. Find Hemp Honeys CBD broadspectrum hemp honeys in our department, then visit our online store Indoordiscount the specialist in hemp honeys CBD in France and Europe.

Welcome to our Honey department at CBD made fromorganically grown hemp, it's easy to take a sweet break with your honey CBD.

Honey has been consumed by mankind for thousands of years and possesses many natural virtues, such as being anti-bacterial and a real immunity booster for human beings, making it easy to strengthen your organism and fight against certain illnesses.

Our Honey with CBD is directly infused with CBD Broadspectrum to take advantage of the benefits of hemp molecules from Cannabis Sativa L varieties, it could relieve stress and soothe your aches and pains while bringing a feeling of well-being to your body.


These honeys evoke spring, enriched with CBD to benefit from the effects offered by the hemp plant, you'll find smooth honey textures that are easy to consume, whether eaten with a spoon or in a hot drink, or as a garnish for dishes such as a hot goat's cheese. Your guests will be delighted and feel relaxed.

Store your honey in a dry, dark place at room temperature.